Mon 8-July-2024

Over 100 House Democrats sign letter rejecting Trump’s peace plan

Saturday 8-February-2020

More than 100 House Democrats on Friday signed a letter to US president Trump rejecting his Middle East peace plan (informally known as the deal of the century) saying it would “harm Israelis and Palestinians alike and push them toward further conflict.”

The two-page letter led by Democratic Congressmen Alan Lowenthal (Jewish) and Andy Levin warned that Trump’s plan “paves the way for a permanent occupation of the West Bank.”

“It does not have our support and the Israeli government must not take it as license to violate International law by annexing all or portions of the West Bank” their letter read.

The House in December passed a bipartisan resolution Lowenthal and affirming US support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is achieved through direct negotiations and without any unilateral annexation of territory.

The Democratic lawmakers accuse Trump of “an inappropriate intervention in the coming Israeli elections by releasing his peace plan while Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu is facing formal corruption charges.

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