Mon 8-July-2024

Palestinians form higher national committee to confront Trump’s plan

Monday 3-February-2020

During a popular conference held in the Gaza Strip on Sunday political and national personages from all spectra at home and abroad announced the formation of “the Higher National Committee Against the Deal of the Century.”

Thousands of Palestinian citizens including public and political figures unionists businessmen activists and officials of resistance factions and civil groups attended this special event which was held to launch the committee.

All speeches delivered by different noted participants in the conference hit out at the US deal of the century which Donald Trump promoted as a peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In a statement read at the end of the conference the participants affirmed that the Palestinian people would stand united in the face of the US deal and urged Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to invite heads of all factions to attend an emergency meeting to agree on a unified strategy to confront the new challenges.

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