Mon 20-May-2024


One million Palestinians arrested by Israel since the Nakba

One million Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli occupation forces since the Nakba in 1948.

Israel uprooted 800000 Palestinian olive trees since 1967

Since 1967 Israeli authorities uprooted 800000 Palestinian olive trees.

Euro-Med report on casualties damages inflicted by Israeli raids

Euro-Med Monitor follows on Israel’s destruction of nine civilian buildings in Gaza displacing 100 families in 24 hours.

Distribution of Palestinian refugees registered by UNRWA

Palestinian refugees registered by UNRWA and distributed within Palestine and in neighboring countries shown in the following info-graphic.

From Balfour to the Nakba

The Balfour Declaration was a promise made to the Zionist movement in 1917 by Britain pledging support for a Jewish state in Palestine. It was to be the groundwork for years of subjugation dispossession and conflict.

5000 Palestinian homes demolished by Israel in Jerusalem since 1967

Israeli occupation authorities have demolished some 5000 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem since 1967 according to a new report by the Land Research Center (LRC).

Remembering the Sabra and Shatila massacre

Between September 16 and 18 1982 Palestinian refugees in Beirut’s Sabra and Shatila refugee camps were massacred. Estimates vary but about 3000 Palestinian refugees mostly women children and the elderly were killed.

UNRWA funding in 2017

On 31 August 2018 US President Donald Trump's administration announced it was terminating its funding commitment to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Bethlehem Besieged

Once an idyllic trade town closely linked to Jerusalem Bethlehem's fortunes have changed drastically since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in 1967.

Jerusalem a City for All?

East Jerusalem was occupied and illegally annexed by Israel in 1967.