Sat 27-July-2024

Hamas delegation concludes visit to Tunisia

Wednesday 15-May-2024


The Hamas Movement’s delegation concluded on Tuesday a program of visits in Tunisia, during which Hamas officials held talks with a number of Tunisian political and national figures to acquaint them with the developments of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, extending their appreciation for the Tunisian role in supporting the Palestinian position.

The delegation participated in a general popular meeting organized by the Tunisian Social Forum, at the Palace of Conferences in the capital, in support of the Palestinian resistance in the presence of Palestinian resistance factions.

The Movement’s delegation included Sami Abu Zuhri, a member of Hamas’s Arab and Islamic Relations Office and the head of Hamas’s political department abroad, and Yousef Hamdan, Hamas’s representative in Algeria.

The delegation visited the Tunisian General Labor Union, the Tunisian Labor Party, Deanship of Doctors, Labor and Achievement Party, Coordination of Joint Action for Palestine, People’s Party, Tunisian Journalists’ Syndicate, Democratic Current Party, National Struggle Movement, and the Popular Current Party. On the other hand, Hamas received a delegation from An-Nahdha Movement.

The Hamas delegation accompanied by representatives of the resistance factions participating in the Social Forum meeting, visited the family of the martyr Muhammad Al-Zawari, and paid tribute to his efforts he provided for the resistance, stressing the key role of the nation in the battle of liberation.

The visiting resistance factions also paid visits to wounded Palestinians receiving treatment in Tunisia and expressed their high appreciation of their sacrifices on the path to freedom and liberation.

The Hamas’s delegation had participated as well in a student solidarity demonstration organized by the Tunisian General Union of Students at Zaytouna University, where Abu Zuhri delivered a speech, stressing “the significant role of the global student movement, rejecting the crimes of the Israeli occupation, in liberating the world’s youth from the Zionist lobby’s hegemony.”

The visit was concluded by a press conference for the resistance factions held at the headquarters of the National Union of Tunisian Journalists, in which Abu Zuhri spoke about the valor of the resistance and its capability for exhausting the occupation. He hailed the legendary steadfastness of the Palestinian people, and expressed gratitude for the official, factional, and popular role of Tunisia in standing by the Palestinian people, receiving the wounded, sending aid, and organizing eminent pro-Palestine events and demonstrations.

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