Tue 25-June-2024

Hamas calls for an end to the Israeli crimes of starvation and genocide in Gaza

Wednesday 19-June-2024


The Hamas Movement warned of “the continuation of the criminal war of starvation waged by the terrorist occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip, including children, women, and the elderly,” stressing “the escalating manifestations of famine and humanitarian catastrophe, especially in the Gaza and North Gaza governorates.”

It said, “The Nazi occupation government is practicing the ugliest forms of collective punishment against defenseless civilians, by imposing a tight siege on the Gaza Strip, closing the border crossings, and preventing aid convoys from entering the Strip.”

The occupation continues “to systematically starve more than two million people, who lack the most necessities of life, and are subjected to continuous brutal massacres,” Hamas added.

It pointed out, “The United Nations and the international community must take immediate action to provide relief to our people in the Gaza Strip.”

The Movement called for an end to the Israeli crimes of starvation and genocide against the Palestinian people.

In addition, Hamas made a call to the governments, people, and Arab and Islamic nations to exert pressure on Israel to open the borders, allow convoys to enter the Gaza Strip, and resist Zionist efforts to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

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