Mon 16-September-2024

17-year-old boy medically neglected in Israeli jail

Friday 12-March-2021

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has accused the Israeli prison service (IPS) of medically neglecting Palestinian prisoner Mohamed al-Sheikh a 17-year-old from al-Eizariya town in east Jerusalem.

In a statement the Commission said that the kid suffers from acute abdominal pains and vomits constantly in Ofer jail.

His health complications have resulted from eight bullet injuries he sustained when police officers opened fire at him near the Aqsa Mosque over one year ago according to the Commission.

Some of these bullets are still in his body and have not been removed.

Al-Sheikh was arrested on August 15 2019 in Bab al-Silsila area that leads to the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem after police forces showered him and his 15-year-old friend Naseem Abu Rumi who died immediately with a hail of bullets.

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