Fri 20-September-2024

A story of clinging to Palestinian Heritage of Sweets & Delights

Thursday 16-August-2018

In his modest shop which dates back more than 25 years in the old town of Nablus in the north of the occupied West Bank Abu Ayyad 54 continues daily to strive and produce Nabulsi Halqoum (Palestinian delight) which he started making more than 30 years ago.

Abu Ayad told our correspondent that the Halqoum dessert industry in Palestine dates back to hundreds of years. Abu Ayad started working in the Halqoum industry in one of the factories of the old town of Nablus until he established himself and opened his own factory in which he still works with the help of his four children.

He emphasized that the Halqoum industry is one of the old heritage scenes which characterizes the city of Nablus from other Palestinian cities since it’s more specialized in Halqoum-making than others.

Abu Ayyad explained how the making of Halqoum is relatively easy and that Nabulsi Halqoum has a distinctive flavor that is widely recognized by everyone who ever tasted it from Nablus stressing that Gazan merchants prefer to buy Halqoum from Nablus due to its distinct taste and deliciousness although there are actually some factories producing Halqoum in Gaza.

Abu Ayyad recalls with bitterness that his factory was destroyed by the Israeli occupation during the Intifada but nevertheless he continued to produce Halqoum to provide for his family.

And about the process of making Halqoum Abu Ayyad explained “we add sugar lemon and salt to water and we cook it in a pot until it boils then we add starch and it cooks until it becomes a thick boiled syrup. Then we mix those ingredients as they continue to boil in a large container with a machine such as a modern mixer or food processer until they are solid and mature well.”

He added “After it is cooked we spread it on a flat surface then cut it to small pieces. Then we coat it with powdered sugar again and before we add the organic dyes and colors as desired until they are ready for the next stage.”

He continued “They are later transported to the wrapping and packing stage where the pieces of Halqoum are placed in small cartons and powdered sugar is again added to it carefully and accurately then the packages are supplied to the markets.”

Alongside Abu Ayyad works his son Amjad who has chosen to stand by his father to maintain the profession of the past emphasizing that his work in the Halqoum industry means so much to him.

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