Wed 3-July-2024

Israeli army on high alert on Gaza borders for fear of escalation

Tuesday 2-August-2022

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday was on high alert near the Gaza Strip borders for fear of escalation following the arrest of senior Islamic Jihad official Bassam as-Saadi in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Spokesperson for the Israeli army announced that roads near the Palestinian enclave were blocked and the train service in the southern city of Ashkelon was suspended following fear of possible anti-tank rocket or sniper fires from Gaza. He added that the Erez crossing was temporarily shut down.

Israeli foreign minister Yair Lapid’s office announced in a statement that Lapid had called for a special security assessment meeting with Israeli war minister Benny Gantz and other senior military and security officials according to Walla Hebrew news website.

The armed wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement Al-Quds Brigades had declared a state of alert arising its fighters’ readiness in response to Saadi’s arrest.

Earlier on Monday the IOF arrested the Jihad official Bassam as-Saadi which triggered clashes in Jenin leading to the killing of a 17-year-old Palestinian.

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