Sun 15-September-2024

Khamenei calls for helping Palestinians in their struggle

Saturday 23-May-2020

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran has said that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians from all religions and should be run as they wish expressing his confidence that the Zionist regime will come to an end sooner or later.

“Today is Quds Day a day created – thanks to Imam Khomeini’s (RA) intelligent initiative – to unite Muslims on the issue of the Holy Quds and in support of the oppressed people of Palestine. It has played an important role in this regard for several decades now and God willing it will continue to do so in the future as well. Nations welcomed Quds Day and considered it to be a religious obligation to hold up the flag for Palestine’s liberation. The main policy of the arrogant powers and Zionism is to push aside the issue of Palestine in the minds of Muslim communities and to cause it to fade into oblivion.” Khamenei said in remarks on Friday on the occasion of al-Quds Day.

“First I would like to highlight the magnitude of the tragedy of the occupation of Palestine and the formation of the cancerous tumor of Zionism in that country. Among crimes against humanity in recent times there is no crime that equals this crime in terms of scope and gravity. Occupying a country permanently driving its people out from their homes and their fatherland and continuing this historical oppression for decades using the most horrifying forms of murder crime destruction of farmlands and genocide – this is indeed a new record in brutality and wickedness” the Iranian leader underlined.

“The truth is that an issue as important as Palestine is not something that the pride self-esteem and increasing intelligence of Muslim nations will allow to sink into oblivion even if the Americans other domineering powers and their regional minions use all their money and power to achieve this goal” he added.

Khamenei also accused the western governments of being behind the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe). “The main agents and criminals behind this tragedy are the western governments and their satanic policies. The day when the governments which had the won the war in the first world war were carving up West Asia – namely the Asian territories of the Ottoman Empire.”

However he expressed his belief that “the resistance front is moving with increasing power and hope and it marches on towards attracting increasing elements of power while the opposing front of oppression unbelief and arrogance is growing more hollow hopeless and powerless by the day.”

“Everyone must assist the Palestinian nation in this holy struggle. Everyone must contribute to the Palestinian fighters and stand behind them. We will proudly do everything in our power on this path” he stressed.

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