Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian factions hail heroic anti-occupation attack

Tuesday 8-March-2022

Spokesman for Hamas Movement Abdel Latif al-Qanoua hailed the heroic anti-occupation attack in the Old City in Occupied Jerusalem late on Monday.

Al-Qanoua said that Israeli attacks and crimes against Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem will not succeed in halting the anti-occupation resistance.

The escalation of anti-occupation attacks in Jerusalem and the West Bank proves the Palestinian people’s total support to the resistance option he added.

“Our people’s blood will not go in vain” the group’s official said stressing that the Palestinian people will continue along the resistance path until achieving freedom.

Palestinian resistance factions have also hailed the stabbing attack carried out near Bab Al-Qattanin in Occupied Jerusalem which left two Israeli police officials injured.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine said three Palestinians were shot dead in cold blood over the past 48 hours in Occupied Jerusalem in a failed Israeli attempt to deter the growing Palestinian anti-occupation protests.

The ongoing Israeli crimes and terrorism against the Palestinian people will not succeed in undermining their will steadfastness and struggle the Movement added.

For its part the Palestinian Resistance Committees affirmed that “the heroic stabbing attack near the Qattanin Market was a natural response to the Israeli terrorism.”

Hamas Movement also called on the Palestinian people to step up anti-occupation protests and to support the people of Jerusalem in their defense of al-Aqsa Mosque.

Earlier Monday Israeli police forces shot and killed a Palestinian youth after he allegedly stabbed two officers in the Old City in Occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian media sources identified the martyr as Abdul Rahman Jamal Qassem from the Jalazon refugee camp near Ramallah in the central West Bank.

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