OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– About 280000 Palestinians performed the last Friday prayer at the Aqsa Mosque during the current holy month of Ramadan amid tight Israeli security measures.
In his Khutba (sermon) ahead of the Friday prayer Sheikh Mohamed Hussein the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine saluted the congregation who flocked to the Aqsa Mosque to observe the Friday prayer and Laylat al-Qadr.
“Dear congregants in the vast courtyards of the Aqsa Mosque your blessed march to this place sends more than one message that you are the owners of the Mosque and that you will not hesitate to travel en masse to it regardless of any circumstances conditions and measures especially during these holy days of Ramadan” Sheikh Hussein said.
He also urged the Palestinian people to necessarily intensify their presence at the Aqsa Mosque which he said “is being targeted by the occupation authorities which do not care about any divine ordinance or respect international laws and norms.”
The preacher strongly denounced the recent police attacks on Muslim worshipers at the Aqsa Mosque stressing that “the Mosque belongs to the Muslims alone and Israel’s plots against it will never succeed.”
In another context he expressed his regret and dismay over the recent unfortunate events that happened between Palestinians in Jenin and Nablus calling for renouncing all differences and bigotry that weaken the society.