Sat 21-September-2024

The Dawabsheh family massacre remembered

Sunday 1-August-2021

Yesterday (31st July) marks the sixth anniversary of the heinous crime perpetrated by Jewish settlers who burned the Dawabsheh family alive in Duma village south of Nablus.

At the dawn of July 31 2015 settlers attacked the house of Saad Dawabsheh 32 who was martyred with his wife Reham 27 and their 18 months old child while their other child Ahmed survived with severe burns.

That night settlers infiltrated Duma under the cover of darkness and set fire to the house of the Dawabsheh family which led to the death of the infant Ali while his parents and brother Ahmed were seriously injured.

The father Saad was announced dead days after his injury while the death of the mother Reham was announced more than a month after the crime.

The Israeli court sentenced one of the settlers who committed the crime to house detention after it overturned his confession of his relationship to the killing of the Dawabsheh family claiming that he was subjected to harsh investigation.

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