Sat 25-May-2024

Three Israeli soldiers wounded in explosion southeast of Gaza

Saturday 17-February-2018

Three Israeli soldiers were reportedly injured when an explosive device was detonated at an Israeli military force on Saturday evening in a border area to the east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

A spokesperson for the Israeli occupation army said that an explosive device exploded near a military patrol in a border area close the security fence in Gaza while a Hebrew news website reported the injury of three soldiers in the explosion.

The spokesperson added that an Israeli tank targeted an observation post in southern Gaza in response to the attack.

In this regard a reporter for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) affirmed that the Israeli artillery bombed a nearby observation site belonging to al-Quds Brigades the armed wing of Islamic Jihad.

Luckily no one was injured in the shelling.

According to Palestinian sources a military helicopter and ambulances arrived on the scene following the explosion.

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