Mon 8-July-2024

Jordanians rally against Kushner’s visit

Wednesday 29-May-2019

The Islamic Movement and popular and youth groups staged a protest sit-in in the vicinity of the US embassy in Amman on Tuesday night to express their rejection of the visit Jared Kushner the White House senior adviser intends to make to the country.

The Jordanian security forces closed the square facing the embassy and prevented protestors from performing Isha and Taraweeh prayers in the zone.

The participants stood away from the embassy carrying placards calling on the Jordanian leadership not to receive Kushner or participate in the Bahrain economic workshop.

They also chanted slogans against the US Kushner and Israel.

Addressing the crowds secretary-general of the Muslim Brotherhood Abdul-Hamid al-Dunaibat called on the Jordanian government to be clear about its position towards the participation in the Bahrain conference.

Dunaibat called on Kushner to go back to his country stressing that Jordan is not for sale and will not be a substitute homeland for anyone.

He slammed the rulers of the Gulf countries for scrambling to the arms of Israel and Trump and letting the latter plunder their wealth.

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